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Squonk: The Ultimate ADV?

Squonk: The Ultimate ADV?

You might have heard the word “squonk” making its rounds through the vaping scene. Sure, it is a funny sounding word but let me tell you, it’s one of the best vape-related purchases I’ve made!

I’ve been vaping for about 5 years now and gone through many setups from eGo Twist/clearomizers, Provari/cartos, mechs/drippers, hybrid gennies, DNA/Kayfun combos to sub-tanks. I’ve never stuck with a device for a long period until I picked up my Athena Squonk Kit. I’ve been exclusively using this as my ADV for a solid 10 months! To me, being able to stick with something that long says a lot about a device.

“What is squonking?” you may ask. Well, squonking is basically feeding E-Liquid though the bottom of an atomizer through a hole in the 510 connector as opposed to feeding E-Liquid through the sides of a coil or dripping from above your atomizer. The juice is stored in a bottle hidden deep in your device. Just give the bottle a little squeeze and your wicking material gets saturated. It’s super easy!

I’m very picky when it comes to choosing my setup and there are a million options on the market. I can’t speak about all of them (unless you want to buy me all the mods) but I can tell you what the advantages are for squonks over some of the setups I’ve used:

Squonking vs. Dripping:

  • NO NEED TO CARRY A BOTTLE - I don’t need to carry a bottle on my person at all times. I’ll fill up my squonk bottle and I’m good for a few hours. I usually fill my 6.5ml bottle twice a day.
  • OVERDRIPPING IS LESS LIKELY - If you overdrip your RDA, you’re left with a flooded atomizer till you burn it off (usually in the form of splashing hot E-Liquid on your lips.) With a squonk, excess E-Liquid will make its’ way back into the bottle.

Squonking vs. Tanks:

  • BETTER FLAVOR - Let’s be honest, modern tanks and coils have decent flavor but the difference between and RDA and replaceable coil are worlds apart.
  • NO NEED FOR REPLACEMENT COILS - This is a big one for me. Why replace a $5 coil every few days when you can buy a $5 pack of Cotton Bacon and re-wick your coil yourself? If you need assistance in re-wicking, drop a comment below and ask. We’ll be here to help you out.
  • SIZE - I come from a design background where everything needs to be concise and efficient and squonks just have a better form-factor. No need to deal with a huge tank at the top of your device because the tank is inside!
  • NO GLASS TO BREAK - Life happens and stuff breaks. With a squonk, you don’t have to worry about the fragility of glass.
  • CAPACITY - Squonks tend to have a larger capacity than a tank because you don’t have to share the space with a coil. Typically, squonks come in the ~7ml range compared to the 3ml capacity that most tanks have. Sure you can go with a 10ml subtank but who wants to carry that baton around?

On the fence about picking up a squonk? Well, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance, better-looking and cheaper ticket to Flavor Town, then I think you should do it. Take it from a 5-year vaper that has seen and participated in a lot of market trends--you won’t regret it!

Like I mentioned earlier, there are ton of squonk options on the market and carries a pretty decent selection of them. I haven’t used any squonk device besides the Athena because of its ease of use and size but I’m always up for trying out something new to make my ADV. If you have any mod recommendations I should be checking out or if you have any squonking questions, drop a line below and I’ll get back to you.

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