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Here's Where The Flavor Bans Are

The team is fighting for the vape industry and those who vape, especially the loyal and amazing customers of We have been keeping an eye on flavor bans that are being enacted throughout the country. We strive to keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings in the vape industry regarding regulation from various government figures (i.e. state governors, legislators, etc.) and the FDA.



Where Are The Bans?

As of September 27, 2019, there are statewide bans in Michigan, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington. (If you live in these states, here is how you can take action.) Massachusetts’ ban lasts until January 25, 2020, while the other four states have an indefinite ban.

There are additional proposed statewide bans in the states of Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. California, Colorado, Illinois, and Minnesota all have localities that ban the sale of vape products. The most notable among the localities are the cities of Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles County. California Governor Gavin Newsom has encouraged California residents to stop vaping.

What Can I Do?

The flavor ban has affected the vape industry significantly. Vape manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are reporting a loss of business due to the flavor bans. The team is contacting local and state legislators to voice their concerns and advocate on behalf of the industry and its customers, and we strongly encourage you to do so as well. You can also contact the White House to voice your concerns about the flavor bans.

The flavor bans have revolved around the use of illegal THC products in vape cartridges. This was unfortunately conflated with the use of legitimate eJuices and vaping hardware. At this time, you should buy from legitimate sites such as does NOT sell THC products.


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